
LES BROWN at the Lurn Center on

October 13th, 2018


On Sale Countdown

Buy Tickets: October 13th, 2018



Book Your Seat:

October 13th, 2018, 12:00 - 4:00 PM EST

Select Your Seating

VIP Seating + Backstage Pass - $397

VIP Seating - $97

Premium Seating - $47

Classroom Seating - $25

All Proceeds Go to The Singal Foundation

  • Lurn and The Singal Foundation together with Village Enterprise adopt villages in East Africa.
  • So far Lurn and The Singal Foundation helped fund two villages in East Africa and are currently in the process of funding a third one.
  • Lurn and The Singal Foundation build schools in the slums of Mumbai, India.
  • Since 2012, we have built 9 Dream Centres supporting a total of 1,100 kids who otherwise would receive very little to no education.

Help uplift a village out of poverty!
Your contribution will help create transformation in East Africa and empower a community through Entrepreneurship.